The Texas - Wisconsin - California Control Consortium (TWCCC) carries out multi-disciplinary, industrial-academic research in the areas of systems modeling, control, optimization, and data science with diverse applications such as manufacturing, sustainability, materials, sensors, and energy/agriculture.  

The TWCCC was established in 1993 and is led by researchers from the following institutions: 


University of Texas at Austin: Michael Baldea, Illias Mitrai 

University of Wisconsin at Madison:  Victor M Zavala, Styliana Avraamidou, Stephen J Wright

University of California at Santa Barbara: James B Rawlings

University of Southern California: Jay H Lee

The campuses of UT-Austin, UW-Madison, USC, and UCSB are recognized internationally for research programs in process systems engineering. In addition, the Departments of Chemical Engineering at these institutions are recognized as leaders across a broad spectrum of chemical engineering research and educational areas. All of these departments attract highly-qualified graduate students and postdoctoral researchers.